Dear PB,
This question could be answered in 100 different ways. As her spanker, you know her best through your experience with her. You state that she dislikes implements a lot, and one piece of advice I would like to give you is to think why this is. Sure, an implement hurts exponentially more than a hand. Besides that though, I think some women who are into spanking also feel less close whilst being spanked with an implement. I would therefore encourage you to think about why your girlfriend/partner does not like it, as you rightfully say, because you want this punishment to have the maximum effect.
I do not claim that all women who like spanking dislike implements for this reason (so please, lets not argue about this in this thread), but take this into account.
With my former girlfriend implements had a counter-productive effect, and a good hard punishment with my hand would always have a far better result than using implements. That having said, nothing witholds you from giving the majority of the punishment with your hand, and finish off with an/some implement(s).
Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
Kind regards,